Switch to electronic bills for the 3-in-1 cable connection
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You will receive the next bill for your 3-in-1 cable connection via the selected delivery channel.
Protect the environment and save money on your bills
From 1 Jan 2016, a charge of CHF 3 will apply for quarterly bills issued in paper form for the 3-in-1 cable connection. In addition, a handling fee will be charged for payments at the post office counter. Here’s how you can avoid the charges:
Bill by e-mail
Your bill will be sent to you by e-mail as a PDF. A PDF bill is suitable for payments via direct debit/Debit Direct and e-banking.
eBill allows you to pay your bills online at the click of a mouse. The online banking portal is used here as your electronic postbox.
Annual bill in paper form
You will still receive the annual bill on paper without being charged for postal delivery.
Switch now!
Change the delivery option for your 3-in-1 cable connection bill now.
Bill by email (PDF)
eBill is a service offered by PostFinance and the Swiss banks, with which you can pay your bill from UPC simply, quickly, securely and conveniently online. Your e-banking portal serves as the postbox for your electronic bills. How it works
Bill by post (paper)
Direct debit/Debit Direct
Here you can download the direct debit/Debit Direct form for your HD Cable Connection here:
Top 3 FAQs for the 3-in-1 cable connection bill
Why is there one bill for the cable connection and another bill for the subscription for my digital products?
In many cases, the subscription fees for the cable connection are paid through the additional property expenses. For this reason, we bill the cable connection fees separately.
I receive the bill for the subscription for my digital products electronically. Does this also apply for the cable connection bill?
You can select different delivery options for the cable connection bill and the bill for your subscription
Fill out the form above if you wish to change the delivery option for your cable connection bill. You can change the bill delivery option for your subscription in My UPC.
Why is the annual bill free of charge, but the quarterly bill subject to a fee?
Today’s payment solutions no longer require paper pay-in slips. Electronic dispatch and payment of your 3-in-1 cable connection bill is therefore simpler, better for the environment and cheaper.
We understand that you may still wish to receive your bill in paper form, however, and so will not charge you for delivery of this if you choose to receive it annually. If you would like to receive the bill quarterly, we will charge you CHF 3 per bill.
Data and bills
Find out more about your bill and your contract/subscription.